The 5 Clients/Patients You Must Deflect

| Tuesday, August 16, 2011
By Kathy Jiamboi

Sometimes, no amount of "client/patient relationship management" will do the trick. You've bent over backwards, killed them with kindness, brought them the proverbial "apple" and nothing seems to work. Maybe they just aren't worth all that coddling. One of my mentors, Dan Kennedy, has a saying he uses frequently and it goes something like this-"If I wake up thinking about you three days in a row and I'm not sleeping with you, you have to go!" He uses this reference mainly when he is talking about employees but this could be applied to any relationship. If your clients or patients are consuming your thoughts, due to the inability to satisfy them, they are most likely also affecting your health, that of your employees, and the bottom line in your business.

Here are the Top 5 Client/Patient Profiles You Should Avoid at All Costs and if you currently have them, they need a good firing:

The Nasty One- This patient/client is just plain mean. Everyone has an off day once and a while, and perhaps your client/patient is just stressed. If that's the case, your client should be able to provide you with a heartfelt apology. But, if you soon learn that your client is always that rude, it's a clear sign that they are not the client/patient for you. It's just not fair to treat people that way. A client like this can cause you and your employees distraught feelings, and that's no good for business.

The Nitpicker- This is the client who can't be satisfied. They are always finding something wrong. This client/patient is constantly changing the original agreement. The demand your constant attention and expect all eyes on them all the time. The nitpicker will pour through your invoices with a fine-tooth comb and a list of errors, even though they know from the get go all of the costs. This client/patient is also very high stress. Adios.

The Time Sucker- These are the ones that like to rob you or your employees of precious time with idle gossip, validation of their latest brainstorm, or professional advice without any consideration. They schedule meetings, then cancel them. They call repeatedly throughout the day with each new idea or request. Time is money. We all have the same amount each day. Time wasted is money lost. These clients and patients need to be cut off.

The Slow Payer- The client/patient that simply can't pay their bills on time has a huge affect on your time, business and revenue. For many businesses, The Slow Payer isn't identified until after the transaction has gone through and they have been invoiced, which is unfortunate. Once you pinpoint this client, it will become clear that they either need to pay ahead of time or get to steppin'.

The Bargain Shopper- You will find that The Bargain Shopper, in comparison with The Time Sucker, also wastes copious amounts of your time. You will spend time quoting them on a product/service, only for them to turn to someone else who can "beat your price," which is followed by the client expecting you to follow suit and lower your quote. They may not ever have any intention of doing business with you at all, they just want to use you to start the bidding process. If they do choose to go with you, there's a slight chance you'll make money, but probably not since you've lowered your prices so much. These clients/patients are not necessary for your businesses to be successful. Barely any business find success on the lowest price model. See ya later!

Now, these aren't the only clients that can hinder your business, but definitely some to avoid. No business can do it all for every single person, and you shouldn't have to. By keeping away from these Top 5 clients/patients, you will have the chance to invest the time, energy and money into the idea clients for your business.

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