What Do Ideal Customers Look Like?

| Friday, February 10, 2012
By Dana Cain

Asking who is your ideal customer is such an easy question to ask. But answering that question can be quite a challenge.

Not all customers are created equal. Researching and identifying the right customer for you is what you need to do. With any luck, they will find you. It's essential to be a little more responsible and realistic because you have to actively seek them out. When you find them or reach them you must, identify the problem they have that you can solve, and sell them on your solution.

You must assess all possible clients in the broader niche that you are in before you determine your ideal client. Too expensive to serve are some of the prospective clients. Some clients will also be too expensive to sell. Some will never be satisfied. Then again, some others will be ideal clients.

So what will an ideal client look like? One or more of the following is likely to be true.

What they find to be valuable is your product or service. A solution to at least one of their important problems is what you offer. You create opportunity for them. For them, a good investment is purchasing from you.

Do you have any idea who these customers might be? Without them your business plan has no validity. Without them your marketing strategy will fall flat. Without them, then a hot-air balloon that runs out of gas before it catches a thermal current to help it soar is what your vision will be like.

To sell well you must know your target market. Aside from knowing what they want, you should also know what they need. If you don't know, or you aren't sure, find out.

Don't forget to check in with your business mission and vision. Why is that? Because, when it comes to choosing an ideal customer niche and you sign up to deliver a solution to their problem then it had better be

something you are passionate about something you feel you can be the best in the word at it's something you can get profit from.

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