A Few Thoughts On Putting Together A Good Resume

| Saturday, July 2, 2011
By Karen Flowers

It is safe to say that we all agree that a first-class resume is vital when seeking a job. It offers you the opportunity to display your talents and experience. And you get the chance to express your career objectives. The people responsible for hiring want to match up resumes with certain job openings. A good resume will be helpful in getting you that first interview. Here are some things to keep in mind when you start putting together yours.

Keep in mind that it is basically like a personal calling card. Here is where you can put your talent on display. Of course it is important to be factual but you also should make it compelling. The goal is to keep the reader interested in it and in you. Also be concise.

One mistake people tend to make is not keeping brief sentences. Bullet type sentences are best. You can include and action noun and verb to highlight the points you are making. Sentences that are too long will grow boring to the reader.

When you apply for a job, you are applying for a specific position that has specific requirements. It is perfectly fine to tailor the objective statement so that it matches the job description. If your objective is not a good match to what the job is, the reader will simply stop reading and move on to the next one.

It's also a good idea to customize. A drab generic one might not dovetail with a particular position. Present all of your key points in the context of what the company is seeking. It is okay to leave out information regarding your talents that do not apply.

Of course the main reason people put together resumes is to get an interview. You should want yours to be as positive and professional as you intend to be during the interviewing process. The energy and time you put in will probably provide you with more employment options. For more ideas go to www.theresumechick.com

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