Valuable Tips in Keeping You, Your Items, and Your Rental Car Safe

| Thursday, February 14, 2013
By Ethan Wilson

Depending on your itinerary, personal preferences, and needs, you may want to rent a car. Car rentals may be more of a convenience for you as compared to taking public transportation, whether you're on glamorous or cheap holidays to Spain 2013. You may think it really expensive, but it has benefits to offer, too. You can get to places faster and quicker, travel more independently, put a bulk of your things in, and have that sought-after privacy.

However, an unattended car (and consequently, the valuables inside it) is a ripe target for people with insidious intents. But you may have to leave the confines of your car at some point - to have lunch at the nearest cafe, perhaps, or to take snapshots of the beautiful sight you have passed by. But how can you exactly keep your rented car protected and safe? Here are some of the ways to safeguard yourself and your car, according to Independent Traveller:

1. Keep valuables out of sight.

Before you arrive at the hotel, office, or any other place where you need to park your car, ensure that you hide your stuff. The glove compartment is not the only hiding place. Utilize other places such as under the seats, behind the back seat, and even under the upholstery or seat covers. It is a bad idea to step down from the car and place your valuables in trunk, right after getting to your destination. This will only let the bad elements of society know where to look your valuables.

2. Avoid unloading your stuff in public places.

Get your things out beforehand and put them on the seat beside you or at the back seat. This way, it'll be more accessible to you when you get to the place where you're going to. You will only be calling attention to yourself if you unload at your destination.

4. Smart parking is the key

Where you park your car should be a major consideration if you want the vehicle and its contents to be safe. Ideal parking places are those that have ample lighting or where foot traffic is heavy. Thieves are discouraged from stealing from cars where there are lots of people and policemen around. Examples of such places are near hotel entrances, toll booths, and police stations. If you need to park along the roadside, it is best to park across any busy establishment, or under a street lamp or around a busy street corner.

4. Parking bays are safest

Are public parking places not safe enough for you? You should be; those spots are vulnerable to thievery. It is better to park your vehicle in a parking garage. Security guards are available round the clock, thus increasing the security in the area. Remember though that parking garages are not impervious to robbery. Needless to say,there is still a strong need for you to take your valuables along with you.

5. If possible, park the car yourself.

Attendants and valets are generally honest and decent people. But it doesn't go without saying that there others who stick out like sore thumbs. It would be better then to park your cark yourself, if at all possible.

6. Renting wisely is the best protection against car theft.

Choose a modest model. Thieves usually do not victimise an ordinary car; the set their eyes on high end models.

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