My First experience working in a call center.

| Wednesday, November 21, 2012
By Robin Sian Villariza

I always feel that there are two types of call center, In my five years of working in a call center. The call center of dreams and the call center aka prison camp.

The call center of dreams is what the call center was originally meant to be in its idealized form. A call center focused on quality customer service, a place where agents gets the best training the company can give, support, motivation and the ability to make a difference.

The call center of nightmares is focused more on its revenues, a place where the main concern is not customer service, but simply getting through as many calls as possible. In this call center agents are poorly trained, poorly motivated and suffer with empathy burn-out.

There is always a passing resemblance between prisons and call center. Such an irresistible combination of sort. Both are places where individuals are subject to regime of almost total control and close surveillance and in both movement of the body is restricted.

In the prison isolated in cells, in the call center we have high-sided cubicles. Each individual, in his place, is securely confined to a cell form which he is seen from the front by the supervisor, but the side walls prevent him from coming into contact with his companions.

The purpose of this isolation is to maintain order. Though in my call-center there were thankfully no high-sided cubicles. We are allowed to chat, talk and joke with team-mates if there is avail. Its fun here if you compare it with other call centers whose employees could hardly smile and walked like zombies because of burn-out and stress.

If you drag your feet to work it's already a telltale sign that you have to look for another job or look for a happy call center. I always believe we can have both fun and still work effectively and efficiently. No one can beat a happy worker.

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