How To Create Value In A Membership Site ?

| Friday, July 30, 2010
By Trevor Weir

Running a membership site can be a little hard particularly if it appears that your members are leaving faster than they are coming in. However, while this is certainly one of your key issues, your members have a different problem and that is, quite frankly a perception of value for their time and or money.

Creating huge value is very important if you want to get members and keep those paying members. Everyone likes to feel as if they have gotten more than they paid for. It's true that some may not gripe about getting fundamentally good information, however this should not stop you from attempting to raise the perception bar significantly. Word of mouth is the most powerful advertising medium.

There are a couple of ways to increase this perception and one is the offer of special bonuses. These can be either announced or unannounced. Pleasant surprise offerings can be a way of letting your members know that you care. These bonuses can be resell rights or PLR products that you picked up on the side (hand's off for you!). These are quite inexpensive for you to purchase and the perceived increased value can be quite high!

Another thing you can do is offer more than one format of content. That doesn't mean you need to create new information for each form of content. For example, you could create an article, a video, and audio that all get the same basic information across, but in different formats. Having audio, video and text enables the material to find resonance with many different audience learning styles. Your chances of giving user satisfaction is much higher this way.

One of my media instructors, taught me that sometimes, contrary to what your mom told you, cheating is the best way. That wonderful video that you took has an audio track that can be re-used and re syndicated perhaps even as a podcast. Look mom, no additional work. You can then have the video transcribed in the form of text. Voil! You now have three different formats that will satisfy your members and enable them to feel as if they are getting a great bargain!

Another thing you can do is make sure your site looks professional. Some membership site owners manage to squeak by with minimalistic sites but the truth is that simple but relevant graphics and a clean easy to navigate layout will go far towards membership satisfaction.My teachers have always told me not to judge a book by its cover -- and guess what ? I rarely ever heeded that important advice. I nearly always buy books based on the excellent cover designs and though I have no hard empirical proof I suspect many others do too! When your membership site looks nice, people will likely have a better impression of it.

Try to do all of the above mentioned tips. A rule of thumb is give 10 times the monthly value and your clients won't leave.When your members are highly grateful for the information that you are providing, word-of-mouth will spread and your members will continue their membership. Remember the first 30 days are the most critical. Soon enough you'll have built this into a wonderful membership site that people are proud to be a part of.

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